Gojek Clone App is the very definition of sheer perfection and now it has kicked it up a notch by introducing 34 new high-end features this year alone. The entrepreneurs now use Firebase technology to verify mobile numbers of up to 10,000 new users per month for free. But this wasn’t the case earlier as before they had to use an expensive third-party messenger Twilio to do the same job.
No one can steal the thunder of the Powerful Gojek Clone App after the launch of such diverse and practical customer-centric features.
Order in your favorite medium-sized super-thin Neapolitan Pizza Marinara today with all of your favorite Toppings!
This feature has taken food customizations to a whole new level. Now customers have the liberty to experiment with different types of toppings, sauces, and cheeses. And with this, online food shopping has become a happy-go-round. The Restaurant Owners love this feature because now they get to charge additional money for the toppings. The Chewy-Chewy Cheesy Pizza joint in Salt Lake City of Utah will charge you $3 for tomatoes, $2 for garlic, $0.75 for Oregano, $5 for extra virgin olive oil, and $35 for a medium-sized Neapolitan Pizza base.
Restaurants have to click pictures of their kitchen and upload it on the App
Customers were doubtful about the hygiene standards of the restaurants and hence feared that either the Food Delivery Driver or the Food Parcel package will be the carrier of the Covid-19 virus. This is why they were unwilling to place food orders online. This All-in-One-Service App took cognizance of this issue and came up with this feature wherein Restaurants will upload pictures of sanitized kitchens and working stations, clean cold storage rooms, chefs’ and the entire staff wearing face masks and gloves at all times. These pictures helped customers to trust their favorite food joint again.
OTP Verification for Service Providers is a must!
Service Providers self-verify themselves by requesting an OTP. They then punch in the four-digit numeric OTP to officially start off their work. This is an added layer of security for Users to ensure only legit Service Providers are associated with the app. Taxi rides, Parcel Delivery, Food Delivery, Beauticians, Plumbers, Carpenters, among many others including sanitization services require OTP Verification.
Recording Voice Notes with clear route instructions for Delivery Drivers
Online prepaid payments made this feature a necessity. It is extremely easy to record and upload voice instructions on the App by the Customer. The Delivery Driver can listen to the audio clip while simultaneously using the navigation app. The customer can also give clear instructions about the route map.
Self-order facilitating Android-based Food Kiosks
Android-based Food Kiosks enable self-ordering in Restaurants and Food Joints. It has ensured social distancing because now waiters don’t have to physically attend every new incoming customer. These Kiosks have an interactive interface and are easy to navigate through. Orders are placed faster and quicker because of these Kiosks. This feature eliminates human-induced communication errors.
Gojek Clone App is such a superior breed of innovation that no competitor can even think of coming close to it and let alone compete with it. One of its fanciest new features include Taxi Booking iWatch App. It is an app that enables iPhone users to book Taxi rides via their smartwatches.