Linking with Agencies, Data Authorization, & Commission Sharing
This guide covers the updated agency linking & data authorization process that allows you to link with agencies and give them access to your data so they can better support you. When linking with an agency, you are also setting a commission split, which is the percentage of your TTS commission earnings that you would like to split with the agency for the support they provide to you.
Linking with Agency
Step 1: In the Partnerships page or Notifications page, you will see a notification for a new link request to click on and view the details. Here, you must accept that you understand you will be sharing your data and that you will be sharing revenue with the agencyby clicking the checkboxes and pressing Accept. Once accepted, you will see the linking and revenue sharing details and can also choose to unlink from the agency.
Note: We recommend that you set up offline contracts with agencies that specify the percentage of TTS commission that will go towards the agency, and we recommend that the duration of these offline contracts aligns with the duration that is specified on the linking invitation.
Step 2: You can also choose to Decline the linking request in the previous step.
Accepting Extension Requests
Step 1: Once the Agency has submitted an extension request, you will receive a notification in the Partnerships page or Notification page. You must confirm that you understand you will be sharing your data and then click on Accept.
Step 2: If you Decline the extension request, don’t respond to it within 7 days, or the original link expires during this time, then you will see that the request has been declined or expired.
Accepting Commission Rate Adjustments
Step 1: Once the Agency has submitted a new fee agreement request, you will receive a notification in the Partnerships page or Notification page. You must confirm that you understand you will be sharing your data and then click on affiliate marketing.
Step 2: If you Decline the new fee agreement request or do not respond to it within 7 days, or the original link expires during this time, then you will see that the request has been declined or expired.
Unlinking with Agencies
Step 1: If you would like to initiate an unlinking request, you can go to the Partnerships Page, click on View details, then click on Send Unlink Request.
Step 2: Select your reason for unlinking
Step 3: If the agency declines the unlinking request, then you will receive a notification that it has been declined and you can resend an unlinking request again. If you send an unlink request a second time, then it will be automatically approved within 7 days
- What happens if I’m already linked to an agency, but don’t have a commission fee agreement in place?
- If you are linked to an agency, then you will receive a fee agreement request to share your commission with the agency. The agency will specify the commission amount they are requesting.
- If you accept this request, you will start sharing commission with the agency immediately.
- If you decline the request, you will remain linked to the agency and the agency can send another commission fee agreement request.
- If your request expires after 7 days, you will remain linked to the agency and the agency can send another commission fee agreement request.