An Easy Way Of Carrying Out The Thesis Writing
Writing a dissertation as well as a thesis is never a simple task. As it takes so much time, energy, and willpower to finish the line, It is not easy, but it does not have to be a painful process. As you can understand, the big picture process of how you can write a dissertation or thesis is as follows: Through all this, your research journey will be a lot smoother, and you can even get help from thesis writing services.
Well, in this post we are going to highlight the big-picture process of how you can write a high-quality dissertation or thesis. Even without losing your mind all the way. If you feel like you are just starting your research, you are at the right place. If you feel like you have submitted the proposal, this article can be a great thesis writing help for you.
How To Write A Thesis: 8 Steps
Step 1: Understand exactly what a thesis is
This can sound like a no-brainer, but most often students will come to us for getting thesis writing help. The underlying issue is what they don’t understand here. What could be the actual dissertation?
So, what is a thesis?
- In a nutshell, a thesis is a formal piece of research. This will reflect the standard research process. But you can ask us what the research process is. The research process involves about four key steps.
- Asking a very specific and well-articulated question (like your research topic)
- You can see what other researchers have said about it (and see if you have already answered it).
- Even if you have not answered it adequately, you can undertake the data collection, analysis, in and much significantly rigorous fashion.
- Answer the original question that is also based on the analysis findings.
In short, the research process can be as simple as asking and systematically answering questions. This may seem obvious, but most people believe they have done extensive research when, in fact, they have only done the following:
Starting with vague and poorly articulated questions
not taking the time to see what research has been done regarding the questions
I have collected data and opinions that will support my gut and I will undertake the flimsy analysis.
You can draw a shaky conclusion that is based on the analysis.
If you want to see this perfect example in action, you can look out for the next Facebook post, where someone can claim that they have done the research. With all of this, people often consider a blog post to constitute research.
Step 2: Find a unique, valuable research topic
The first step of the research process is to ask a specific and well-articulated question. In other words, you need to find the research topic and ask a specific set of questions. ( which are called research questions). This sounds easy, right? You just need to identify a question or two and you will get a whining research topic. Or proceed to get help from the best thesis writers.
A good thesis scan has a few important attributes. In particular, a solid research topic should be:
- Clear
- Unique
- Important
Let us take a clear look:
Your research topic should be crystal clear and what you are planning to research. Along with what you want to know and what is within the context. There doesn’t have to be any ambiguity or vagueness about what you will research.
Here’s an example of a clearly articulated research topic:
The analysis of the consumer-based factors can be influenced by an organisation’s trust or the British low-cost online equity firms.
Once you see the example, it can be crystal clear as to what you are analysing and what the consumers are.
Your research might be asking you questions that have never been asked before. Or maybe not asked in a specific context. (For instance, a specific country or industry).
For example, you might be sticking to the trust topics above, as the organisational trust factors in the UK have been investigated before. But this context can make your research unique. So, the context will make your research original without you thinking to get thesis writing help.
The caveat can be the basis of originality. You need to have a good reason to suspect the findings in this context. And this could be very much different from existing research. Otherwise, there would be no reason to warrant the research.
For you, simply asking a unique and original question is never enough. The question needs to create value. Well, in other words, Answering questions correctly can provide you with a lot of value in the research industry. You don’t want to achieve something that does not satisfy your curiosity. It has to take the form of a contribution either to research or to industry.
Also, research the factors that can influence consumer trust that will create value by enabling the business to tailor these operations and market the leverage factors to promote trust. Well, in other words, it can have a clear benefit to the industry.
So, how can you feel like you can go about finding a unique and valuable topic? We will explain this in detail.
Carry out the research
Once you feel like you have completed the literature review and have a sound understanding of the existing research, This is the time you develop your research. You can design this much more specifically if you can find all the answers to the unique research questions.
There are two steps you can work on here.
- Designing the research
- Executing the research
1 Design your research strategy
The first and foremost step is to design the research strategy and craft the methodology chapter. I don’t want you to get into such technicalities in the methodology chapter. In addition, you can find it in simple words, this chapter can be all about explaining how the research was conducted. Some people that don’t have enough time on their hands believe in getting help from the best thesis writers. When you recall the chapter, as how the literature review chapters have been discussed, what and why? This can make total sense. The next point on the line that you need to cover is how. And that’s what the methodology chapter is all about.
Well, in this section you have to make firm decisions about research design, and this can include things like:
The research philosophy is like positivism or interpretivism.
The overall methodology (quantitative and qualitative)
The data collection strategy (interviews, surveys, etc.)
The data analysis strategy (content analysis, correlation, etc.).
Executions: this is the collection and analysing of the data
Once you feel like you have worked out the research design, You will put it into action. And start collecting the data. This can mean undertaking different sections and interviews. You can host an online survey or any other data collection method. This data collection can take some time. For instance, if you host the in-person interviews, You need to be sure to factor sufficient time into the project or plan.
Oftentimes, things might not go as planned.
If you think you can carry out interviews or focus groups, you need to transcribe the audio data or text (like a word document).
If you collect the quantitative survey data, you need to clean up the data and get it into the format for the different software analyses that you use.
Once you feel like you have completed the data prep, you can undertake the analysis, using different techniques that you can describe in the methodology. This can depend on what you find in the analysis. You might do some additional forms of analysis to what you have planned. For instance, you might see something in the data that raises new questions or requires clarification.
- This type of analysis that you use can depend entirely on the nature of the research and the research questions.
- For instance,
- If you feel like your research is exploratory, you can use many qualitative analysis techniques.
- If you feel your research is confirmatory, you can use quantitative analysis techniques.
- If your research involves so much mix, you can use a mixed method of research.
Again, if you feel like these words have got your head spinning, don’t worry as we will explain these concepts with techniques in different posts. One key takeaway is that there’s no one-size-fits-all for the research design and the methodology. It all depends on the topic of the research questions and the data. You don’t have to be surprised if your study colleagues take a different approach.
Present the findings
Once you feel you have completed the analysis, it is time to present all the findings. For a thesis, you can get help from online thesis help or write it in your own words. These findings will be included in the discussion and results chapter.