IRP and Trip Permits

There’s no better place than home. If you’re not doing business locally, your routes will be outside the state or province in which you’re registered for your business vehicle. In most instances you’ll have to register to the International Registration Plan (IRP) or obtain a temporary trip permit.
IRP Agreement
It is the IRP agreements applies to 48 U.S. states, the District of Columbia and Canadian provinces. It covers interstate vehicles that have a gross mass or weight registered greater than 26,000 pounds, and combinations that have the gross or registered weight of more than 26,000 pounds, and vehicles that have three or more axles, regardless of the weight (counting all axles of the power or truck unit only). ).
IRP Applicant
After an IRP applicant pays registration fee in their area of base they are issued allocated plates and cab cards that include all locations where the vehicles can be operated. The fee is divided (apportioned) among the states in which the vehicles are operating -they are split by the proportion of miles that the vehicle(s) are able to travel within each region.
IRP Application
If you are applying for an IRP You will be able to decide the states in which you’ll operate in. If this is your first time applying for an IRP or you’re in a new states, the estimated mileage needs to be recorded. Are you unsure? Do not guess as that can cost you. Instead, the Celtic Fee Estimator ( is available to help estimate the fees associated with registering apportioned vehicles based on various factors, including the distance associated with the jurisdictions traveled. It also provides an “benchmark” to rely upon to assess the accuracy of fees calculated.
Registration Fee
The cost of registration for an apportioned license will differ based on the base state, vehicle’s gross weight, and the states you’d like to sign up for. Typically , the state fees for a vehicle weighing 80,000 pounds that covers all lower 48 states are between $1,500 and $2,000.
What happens if you take an unallocated vehicle off service?
Not Registered
It’s possible that you could save money by buying permit for trips. As per International Registration Plan, Inc. If you’re planning to travel multiple times from your home is logical to divide your travel expenses into this particular jurisdiction. If however you’ll only have to move out of the state once in a time, you may be able to obtain temporary fuel and trip permits for the state into which your trip will cross. A lot of jurisdictions limit the amount of temporary trip permits you can get within a one-year period. Be sure to verify prior to making a choice.
Vehicles with IRP
Based on J. J. Keller The answer lies to state-by-state regulations. Certain states, but not allcould require apportioned plates for operating the vehicles within their boundaries. It’s all about the location you’re heading to and how you’ll get there.
More Information
For more details on IRP rules and requirements, go to International Registration Plan, Inc. ( For help with registration (for a fee) visit Coast 2 Coast Trucking Permits (; here you’ll also find a full list of permit offices and specific regulations and requirements associated with all states and Canadian provinces.
The majority of states as well as provinces are granting temporary waivers to International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP) conformity due because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) COVID-19 outbreak. Be cautious because each jurisdiction has its own guidelines.
- Waiving trip permits are for relief only.
- The grant of waivers to credentials that have recently expired or are soon to expire.
- Certain states have waived weight and size permit fees or procedures for emergencies.
Managing IFTA, IRP, and UCR During COVID-19
This is why you should keep bills of lading as well as other shipping documents.