Trusted Telecom Approval: 5 reasons behind its introduction

In early 2021, the Government of India introduced a web portal called TrustedTelecom. Its purpose, provide a platform for the TSPs at which they can check whether the equipment they is purchased from trusted telecom equipment providers – providers with the trusted telecom approval.
Simply put, the portal is part of NSDTS, a security directive aimed at ensuring that telecom service providers only use equipments that the government has deemed to be non-invasive, safe and without any feature that can put the national security in peril. It’s a move which was met with apprehension within the telecom sector – with many saying that it’s almost “draconian” to make telecom service providers pay more for the trusted equipment.
However, the portal is here to stay and so is the mandate that as a telecom service provider, the legality of your business will hinge on the legality of your telecommunication devices. Thus, here we speculate with the best of our knowledge 5 reasons behind its introduction.
Ensuring better products in the market
It’s no news that the government claims to want only the best equipment for public. India is at a place right now where telecom technologies are the major drivers of its growth.
Thus, quality is one expect of telecom products that our country cannot compromise with. Thus, we can easily speculate that the move to give trusted approval to telecom is to ensure only good quality products are being used to deliver services to the people. Related Content: Nidhi Company Registration
Curbing the hacking attacks
India’s inclination towards all things internet has arrived all of a sudden. Smart phones, tools that were clearly once reserved for the one-percenters, is now in the hands on anyone who can scrounge up a modest amount of cash. As a result, more and more people are buying it.
That being said, that enthusiasm doesn’t match up with the knowledge that these customers possess about how to secure the device. As a result, we now have more people that are vulnerable to cyber attacks. They need protection, and the mandate of trusted telecom by the security directive one way to ensure said security.
Preventing import from certain countries
Retrospectively speaking, our country doesn’t have many friends. While we have fostered relationships with our old foes – China – such trade relations are borne out of convenience. In recent times, the government has taken several steps to stop Chinese products from entering into the Indian market. Read More: IPLC License
From banning certain apps to barring certain business licenses, we have been trying hard to curtail this “invasion” of foreign products in India. Trusted telecom approval goes through extensive analysis and there is always a chance that certain Chinese products won’t make the cut.
Curtailing Piracy in India
Hardware and Software piracy is not a news in India. In the quest of the inexpensive, many companies and households have rushed to the markets – buying products that are either local or stolen. However, now the days have changed.
Courtesy of India’s rise in the telecom sector, we are all now under an international microscope, which makes it imperative that we aren’t that lenient when it comes to pirated products. Trusted approval in telecom is one of the moves India has taken to increase strictness in this sector.
Protecting the national interest
Telecom Service Providers use nuanced telecommunication equipment to provide services to the people. These wireless equipment can house many intricate modules within them, some of which can put the national security in peril. To be certain that no such telecom equipment is operating on Indian soil, trusted approval is a must.
Trusted Telecom Approval came in India to ensure that service providers only use good quality hardware.
However, digging deep into the primary reasons behind it, we find that protecting the national interest, prevent import from certain countries, curtailing piracy and providing cyber-security might be other justifiable causes behind the introduction of trusted telecom approval. Read More: Demonstration License
Here are the five reasons behind the introduction of Trusted approval for telecom. These reasons form the basis of why the government had a sudden need to mandate it for all telecom service providers in India.