DPL License: Important Facts that you must know

DPL License is issued by the Wireless Planning and Coordination wing to dealers who wish to possess “networked” telecommunication equipment.
Possession License is one of the lesser-known business permits that WPC provides. It has two types – one for a dealer, and one for a non-dealer. The Coordination Wing defines a Dealer as a person, a group of persons, or a business entity that rents, sales or leases wireless products to other entities.
Here are some of the necessary facts that you must know about it.
Dealer Possession License is mandatory
Like other telecommunication registrations provided by the Wireless Planning and Coordination wing, DPL Certificate is non-optional. Therefore, every telecommunication dealer must first get it before starting business operations. Read More: Society Registration
In case the Department of Telecommunication – overseer of the WPC – finds out that a dealer is soliciting in regulated telecommunication products without the license, it will penalize said dealer.
A DPL License holder can only deal with authorized non-dealers
A DPL license holder can only rent, sell or lease telecommunication equipment to NDPL license holders. Wireless Planning and Coordination wing’s directives on this matter are clear – only those with possession license can solicit in telecommunication product. Therefore, a dealer must only allot products to those with appropriate authorization from Wireless Planning Commission.
For example, if a local cable operator needs an antenna dish to provide services, he has to obtain the NDPL registration before reaching out to a dealer.
Wireless Planning Commission issues this certificate on a non-discriminatory basis
If there are two dealers soliciting in similar type of telecommunication product, then WPC will issue the DPL certificate to both of them provided they meet the eligibility criteria. There is no directive in the DPL notification that says WPC can withhold license from a certain party.
The procedure to obtain this certificate is offline
Owing to the nature of telecommunication products, the Department of Telecommunication has deliberately maintained an offline procedure for the DPL License. Thus, the applicant must file an offline application and physically submit to the appropriate department to initiate the licensing procedure. Related Content: ILD License
The steps for procuring DPL license are as follows:
- First, the applicant must furnish the requisite documents:
- Certificate of Incorporation of a company,
- Equipment that the dealers seeks to possess for the trading purposes,
- Technical specifications of the product,
- And, manufacturing or import license of the telecommunication product.
- Then, the applicant must fill the application form while taking care of the correctness of the details.
- Applicant then must submit the application form at the regional WPC office.
- The Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing’s officials will then proceed to assess the application form and its attachments thoroughly.
- If application satisfies the WPC, it will issue Dealer Possession License to the applicant.
DPL License is only valid till 31st of December of every year
Regardless of the date an applicant obtains the certificate, it’s validity is only till 31st December of that year. For example, suppose an applicant gets the certificate on 15th November 2021 and another gets it on 1st December 2021, both certificates will only be valid until 31st December 2021. Read More: Trust Registration
DPL license is issued on a mandatory basis to dealers who solicit in telecommunication products. It is a certificate that one can only obtain following an offline procedure. And, it’s only valid till 31st October of every year.
DPL License or Dealer Possession license is issued by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing. Here are some important facts that you must know about it.