How To Hire A Professional Biography Writer?

It has often said that one should never judge a book by its cover. This saying could not be truer when you are attempting to hire a professional biography writer to write your story for you.
The importance of having a well-written, engaging and interesting story cannot be overstated because it will sell the book without any additional marketing efforts from the author!
In order for an autobiography or memoir to have success in today’s market, it needs to be written professionally with attention to detail and editing.
There are many qualified professionals who specialize in writing biographies and memoirs, but how can you tell if they’re worth hiring? In this article we’ll go over some tips which will help make sure that the biography writer hired is going to do justice.
Steps To Hire A Professional Biography Writer?
1. Determine the type of biography you want
While writing a biographical essay for school or work is fairly straightforward, hiring a professional writer to flesh out your life story can be complicated. In order to ensure that the person you hire will be able to meet your needs, it’s important to decide what kind of biography you want written before going out and shopping quotes from potential writers.
The three major types of biographies include:
The following is a guide to help you decide which type of biography you want and the steps to go through when hiring a writer for each of the three types of biographies.
Personal Biography
Decide if you want your biography written in first or third person. A first person autobiography (using I, me, and my) may be more interesting to the reader but less impressive for a business. Also decide if you want your biography written in past or present tense to better suit the purpose of the document.
A unsponsored personal biography by an organization will likely take up less space than a sponsored one. A personal biography should aim to only provide enough information to give the reader an accurate understanding of your life.
Professional Biography
Decide if you want a chronological or functional biography. A chronological biography puts events in the order in which they occurred while a functional biography groups related events together.
Decide what level of detail is acceptable for inclusion in your professional biography, as this will determine the length.
Business Biography
Decide if you want to focus on your business life or both business and personal life. If you are trying to sell yourself as a professional, do not omit important information about your personal life.
You should also decide whether to use first or third person when writing a business biography.
As with other types of biographies, you should discuss the level of detail with the writer and indicate what is appropriate before giving them any information.
Whatever type of biography you want written, be aware that a poorly written biography reflects badly on you. Hiring a professional to write your biography can present problems if they turn in something less than quality work.
Make sure you check out the writer and their work before you hire them so that your biography is a positive reflection on you.
- Determine which type of biography you want written, and whether the document should be sponsored or not
- Decide if you want to use first or third person when writing your biography
- Discuss what level of detail is appropriate for the document
2. Check out the writer and their work before hiring them to write your biography
For many individuals and small businesses, the thought of writing a biography may seem daunting.
You’re not alone if you’ve never written an article for publication before.
But just like with any skill or talent that is worth having, it’s something that needs to be practiced and honed over time.
That being said, it is important to remember that writing a biography is not necessarily something you need to do [at the moment]
The 2nd step in this process will be checking out the writer and their work before hiring them to write your biography.
If you are worried hiring a professional writer might be cost-prohibitive,
Some companies offer sample bios for free before charging for the full version.
That being said, there are some things you might want to consider when choosing a writer.
The first thing to do is look over their portfolio of work.
You probably don’t want someone who has mostly written about celebrities and movie stars.
Some of the common steps are:
- Find a writer with experience in your field
- Set up an interview to find out if they are the right fit for your project
- Send them an outline of what you would like to include in the bio and ask for any suggestions on how best to organize it
- Receive a proposal from the writer and negotiate terms including payment, deadline, and rights
- Agree on a contract that is mutually beneficial for both parties
3. Ensure that the person will be able to meet all of your needs and deadlines
Do you need someone to write your biography? You may think the answer is no, but sometimes it is not that simple.
A Biography is rewarding and life-changing for any individual; however, there are steps that you should take first to ensure that the person you hire to write your biography will be able to meet all of your needs and deadlines.
The process of finding a professional writer, drafting an outline, and choosing topics can be difficult.
There are many steps involved but as long as you do them in order, the task should seem less overwhelming than if it were random instead of planned.
The process of finding a professional writer to write your biography may seem intimidating, but there are simple steps that can be taken in order to ensure that the person hired will meet all of your needs and deadlines.
4. Have clear communication with your chosen biographer
When you’re looking for a professional life story writer, communication is an important part of the process. This article outlines how to communicate with your chosen biographer successfully.
Following are the key takeaways for hiring a professional biography writer:
- Establish clear communication. It’s important that you are able to convey information effectively and understand what the biography writer needs from you to make your story as appealing as possible.
- Understand what questions the bio-writer will need to ask you, and what information they might want from you. This information could include:
- What were the turning points in your life? How did you feel during these times? What was happening in your life at the time?
- What are you most proud of in your story?
- To whom did you look for support when times were tough, and why is this person significant?
- Were there any defining moments in your life where you said to yourself, “I would do anything to change this”?